The Compton Maddux Experience
You are about to embark on a journey - A creative adventure.
“Ride shotgun down the avalanche” Shawn Colvin
The Compton Maddux Experience. Since I was a little baby I have been making music. According to my mum. Sang La Traviata out of a grocery cart at Gristedes at four years old. (reliable) source?) Hell yeah! Thank you Gretchen Wilson.
And using words. My mum gave me my name. Compton Maddux because she wanted me to be Writer. And so I have written. I have always endeavored to get distribution. A publisher. A label. An agent. But now miraculously, you can do it all by yourself. Your own show. Your own bat channel. The hardest thing about being creative is not creating.
Because creating is all about pleasure. Not about making a buck. I know that sounds cliché. A favorite Compton line to fellow bandmates and club owners ....
“If we were doing this for the money we wouldn’t be doing this.” That as we divide the $200 bucks from a “hamburger gig” into seven equal shares and are then presented with the bill for our drinks. These moments are exorcised by the sheer delight of playing in a band. Of presenting with others. Now over fifty years with the same usual suspects. The OUTERSPACE Band. And uncounted constellations of players who have to play 4 hour sets with Compton. Does he ever take a break? What happened to the list? Did we play anything on it? What song is this? Energizer bunny.
So mom, I am doing this blog. To share the richness of a life of and in song. Writing them. Singing them. My songs and the songs of others. Every picture tells a story - Rod Stewart. And every song tells a story too. Has a context as well. A time, a place, and a feeling.
I digress. That’s what it’s all about.
This blog is going out to all those who have supported me and might be asking “What has Compton been doing?” Want to make me famouser. I am happy and somewhat proud to say I have been busy making songs and playing out. Telling stories.
I have not made a fortune but I have had a rich life, mostly because so many of you have believed in me and kept me on my feet. Afloat. “How high’s the water mama?” So this is my life thru songs. ”6 feet high and rising” At least Fifty years baiting hooks and casting out into the sea of humankind. Thank you all and my hope is you will be entertained and enlivened as I have been. And go some places you’ve never been or thought of going. Welcome to my JUNGLE. As Chris Cuomo says. Let’s get started.
I’ll take you there
The Mission:
And so for the coming weeks.... months and hopefully decades I will present a song and its story.... and where I can, I will digress with amazing tales....all true, to keep you on your toes and make you feel blessed to be a fellow earthling. The Arcade lights are lit. Pull back the tent flap and enter. The only price is .....YR MIND