Walkin’ Around
Walkin’ Around is an anthem of American promise. That we can rise to be a just and generous people needing less than we think and giving more than we thought we ever could.

Taking No Chances
FRESH out of Stanford, Jules Levin moves to NYC and takes up residence in one of his father’s high rises on Liberty St. His fortunes rise as high and as quickly as he sees a world for sale, and he is running the auction. This is his anthem to himself. He’s got the magic touch.

Twisting in China
I have been playing this live all over the world including in China on the Great Wall with the Troubadours. Also, it is a great encore for the Outerspace Band.

Hey Darlin’
This play is going out to all the people (mostly women) who have asked when will I play, why don’t I play, have I already played or why did you play Hey Darlin’ before I got here? Also to those who insist that I play it again right away.

I Need A Wish
This play is going out to my good friend Greg Martens, formidable music booster.

The Compton Maddux Experience
Since I was a baby I have been making music, according to my mum. Sang La Traviata out of a grocery cart at Gristedes at four years old. My mum gave me my name - Compton Maddux - because she wanted me to be a Writer. And so I have written. The hardest thing about being creative is not creating. Because creating is all about pleasure.